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Harvest Festival 2018

Writer's picture: ShaldonShaldon

This year’s harvest festival celebrated the beauty of Autumn. Interspersed between the harvest songs, children shared some of their creative writing about the season.

Year 2 shared an acrostic poem they had created inspired by their learning on what harvest was like on a farm.   Following their visits to the Botanical Gardens, Year 3 and Year 4 shared how they were using rich vocabulary and devises, such as similes and metaphors, to create vibrant descriptions of what Autumn meant to them.

Year 5’s presentation was based on the poem ’The Falling leaves’ by Margaret Postage Cole.  Although at first glance the poem is about the Autumn, it is actually a metaphor for people who fell on the first world war. 

The Women’s Land Army from 1918 was the focus for year 6, sharing some letters they had written in character as ‘land girls’ back to their loved ones at home.

We are very grateful for Shaldon Bakery for donating an amazing wheat sheaf loaf, to St Peter’s for their ongoing support in hosting the Harvest Celebration, and to all the parents and children who brought in food and produce which was donated to our local food bank. 

The retiring collection raised £250 which will be divided equally and donated to St Peter's Church and Rowcroft Hospice.

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