Catch-Up Support
Throughout lockdown, we provided daily live phonics lessons, reading interventions, 1:1 interventions, and live, daily 1:1 speech and language sessions. As well as the purchase of a new phonics scheme, in 2020/21 we bought in additional hours from an experienced teacher, who worked closely with groups of children in KS2 to help close gaps following lockdown.
However, we recognise that despite all of our hard work, there continues to be some areas in which children need additional reading support.
For this reason, we have invested heavily in reading catch up support. Our reading catch-up provision includes:
Daily afternoon comprehension lessons for children in Years 3-6
Early morning ‘breakfast club’ reading lessons for children in Years 5 and 6
Targeted phonics interventions to help children in Years 3 and 4 catch up
Daily speech and language interventions
English subject lead takes reading intervention groups for Year 6
Twice weekly pre-teaching interventions – looking at class reading material in advance
Decodable books for children in KS2 together with 1:1 reading support
Reading fluency tracking to quickly identify children who need further intervention support
Teacher training to ensure quality-first support for children during reading lessons
If you are concerned about your child’s reading, please do not delay in coming and speaking to us.
Our teachers are highly trained and knowledgeable in the teaching of reading, and so will be able to advise on specific areas of your child’s reading development. We may also involve our SENCo, Mr Hodgson in this discussion, to help find the most effective solution for your child. Broadly speaking, we may be looking at identifying and removing barriers in one or more of these areas:
Speech and Language
Cognition and memory (dyslexia screening or working memory capacity)
Comprehension support
Phonics and reading fluency
All of our interventions are tracked, with half termly entry and exit data, so we can quickly adapt the provision for your child if we feel we haven’t quite got it right. Conversely, many of our children only need intervention support for a short period of time. The idea is that we identify a barrier, intervene quickly, and the child is then on their way to making great progress!
Other helpful resources you may want to look at, in case you do have any concerns are below:
Here is a guide for parents, produced by the British Dyslexia Association, on how you can work with us to ensure the best possible support for your child.